Soaking In The Presence Of God
The practice of being in his presence, soaking in the
presence of the Lord
Do you desire to live in God’s presence 24/7? If you
want to enter His presence, simply look to Jesus. Jesus
is anointed to make the presence of God real to you.
Being hungry for His presence and desiring to be in the
presence of the Lord on a daily basis should be our
greatest priority… just to be with Him and seek His
presence with all our hearts. We all live in His presence
all the time, (“In Him we live and move and have our
being” Acts 17:28) but not many people are aware of it.
While God is omnipresent, and His presence is always
with us, we long to experience Him in some way. When
we talk about experiencing the presence of the Lord, we
are talking about the realization of God’s presence – of
perceiving His presence and being conscious of Him.
“Practising His presence ” through worship is one of the
ways this can happen. God has promised that as we
draw near to Him, He will draw near to us and we will
experience His presence in ever increasing measures.
My prayer is that as you spend time at The Secret
Place, you will have an encounter with the Presence of
the living God.
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