ANCHOR SCRIPTURE- Hebrews 11:5, John 11:40-44
“But without FAITH it is impossible to please him : and he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is rewarder of them that diligently seek him”
Praise Again is the seed that God sown into you to manifest his Glory on Earth. Praise is the harvest that God expect of you to transform his plans for your life into reality. it is the only way that reminds God about your existence when there is a need for divine intervention.
Praising God is highly important but more to it is the faith level that we apply when we praise God. The Anchor scripture made us to understand that it is impossible to please God without faith. And what this means is that many people Praise God for different reasons and in different situations but while such people are praising God there is still a level of doubt, fear, insecurity and faithlessness that makes the praise not acceptable for a miracle and testimonies. One thing we must understand is that every time you Praise God there is a request in your praise for God to do something. if you are praising God for the Gift of life that means you are asking God for long life and security and when you praise God for provision it simply means you are thanking him also in advance in other not to experience any form of Lack or wants (Psalm 23:1). Our Praise to God either we like it or not is a form of request to God to always do more of what He alone can do. Until you trust God, your praise does not make sense to God.
God use difficulties to do his work in us. God does not allow difficulty unless he has divine purpose for us. God is more interested in changing us than changing our situation and this means God is only Interested in the praise that we offer to him in faith even in situation that looks so difficult and hard to bear. In John 11:40-44 The Story of the resurrection of Lazarus back to Life. Jesus Speaking about faith in verse (40) “Jesus saith unto her, said i not unto thee, that , if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory Of God“. Jesus Our Lord knew Faith is the most important element for acceptable praise. The resurrection of Lazarus would never have come has a testimony if Jesus refuse to acknowledge the Place of Praise in Faith thanking God in his request for his expectation. please read John 11:40-44, Hebrews 11 and 2 CHRONICLES 20.
Finally on this weekend Delight i will like to introduce Jesus to you again My friend. In All you are seeking, you must first seek the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). You must be planted in his vineyard, you must be Born Again and accept this Wonderful and Heavenly Master to lead you, guild you and established his plans for you..God Bless you Has you say “JESUS I ACCEPT YOU,FORGIVE MY SIN AND WATCH ME CLEAN, MAKE MY PATH STRAIGHT AND LET ME HAVE A PATH WITH YOU.I ACCEPT YOU AND I CONFESS YOU HAS MY LORD AND SAVIOR .THANK YOU JESUS…
God Bless you and have a Bless Weekend
Yomi oladejo