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Living Faith Church A. K. A Winners Chapel, Goshen City, Abuja.
…Thy expectation shall not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14
What you don’t expect you don’t experience
What you don’t desire you don’t deserve
If you don’t know what you want, you may die in want.
Hope is the backup of expectation, it is the anchor of the soul .1 Peter. 1:3; Acts 3:5; Ecclesiastes. 9:4
Expectation (hope) is the switch to proofs.
Psalm. 62:5-8; Romans. 5:5
Build up your expectation by searching God’s word.
God’s word is the building block for the glorious destiny you desire.
…The just shall live by his faith.
Habakkuk 2:4
Faith commits God.
Wherever faith goes, God performs. Luke 1:45.
Faith charts the path that the power of God follows. Luke.17:19; 18:42.
God can do all things, but will only perform to the measure of your belief. It’s unto you according to your faith
Faith is intoxicating.
You can’t believe and not show it in your speech and attitude.
You can’t believe it and not behave it.
Your faith determines your state.
It moves one who believes to act. Mark 5:25-30
Intoxication is final evidence of faith.
Faith puts you in charge of everything that charges against your faith in God.
No door is shut against faith.
It quenches all fiery darts.
It subdues all opposition.Hebrews.11:33-35
– It attracts followership of humans and help from them. John.2:11, Exodus.19:9
Men of faith are men of fame, because they get exceptional results.
The world follows a man of faith.
Today: 2016-09-07
The company you keep determines the accomplishment you make.
A star player in the midst of unco-operative player can be turned into a poor player.
It takes iron to sharpen iron. Prov.27:17
Mind who you work with, carefully select your work companions. Prov.13:20
Never allow an unwilling, unexcited, unenthusiastic and pessimist to hang around you.
Keep an excited company of workers to remain connected to inspiration.
Excited workers helps to bring the best of you out. Whereas an unexcited person will demotivate you and freeze your brain, and drain your energy.
If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered.
John 15:6
If I were to ask you to make a list of a hundred things you need to do to please the Lord today, you could do it, couldn’t you? In fact, you probably have so many spiritual “dos” and “don’ts” cluttering up your mind that you’d hardly know where to start.
But you can relax. I’m not going to suggest you make a list of them. Instead, I’m going to help you simplify things by giving you only one: Abide in Jesus.
The one thing you’re truly responsible for is your union with Him. If you keep your union and fellowship with Him intact, everything else will be taken care of.
“But Gloria, I’m facing some big problems right now. My life’s turned upside down. I’m so rushed I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. I don’t have time to fellowship with the Lord today.”
That’s when you need to do it the most! You need to maintain your union with the Lord particularly when the storms of life come. I know that’s often not easy to do. Whether the storm is a sickness in your body or financial problems or family strife, the temptation will be to settle your attention and your mind on that problem. You won’t even want to think about anything else.
That’s what the devil planned on. That’s the reason he sent that storm in the first place. To distract you from fellowshiping with God. To draw your attention away from your union with Him.
Don’t fall into the devil’s trap. Instead, keep your thoughts and affections trained on the Lord. As you do that, the force of faith will begin to flow out of you. And that flow will repel every form of darkness. It will bring you in triumph through every storm.
Fellowship with Jesus today.
Philippians 3:1-11
God does not give power to those who deserve it nor to those who demand for it.
God gives it to those whom he likes. He doesn’t like people without basis. He doesn’t like people arbitrarily. Likeness is by attraction, he likes those who serve Him.
Nothing impresses Him like our service towards Him.
To impress God is to please Him and when He is pleased He releases grace for enlistnment.
1 Chronicles 28:4
Psalm 89:20
Genesis 6:1-8
God is committed only to what he commits to you.
When you are on his mission you enjoy his backing.
God lends his weight only to those who follow his ways.
When you are backed by God no man can face you.
When God is behind you no man can stand before you.
The almighty cannot be your defence and a mortal man become to you an offence.
No man can offend you when he is allowed to defend you.
When he raises you no man erase you.
Be intimate with him and no man shall be able to intimidate you.
You loose respect with people when your works contradict your words.
Respect is earned only by those whose works match their words.
It is your works that validates your words.
People no longer take your words serious when your works are far apart from words.
Enliven your words by your works.
People may applaud your words but will give you standing ovation for your works.
Sitting around your work is what creates a seat for you among men.
Never seek after what to be, rather pursue after what to do.
It is what you do that determines what you will be.
Do not envy any man’s seat. Rather covet their works.
The approach to your seat is very clear:
Simply work the way others do and you’ll end on their kind of seat.
Your seat is vacant awaiting your arrival!