TEXT: II Chronicles 20:20b: Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established, believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper (KJV).
We are in a generation that does not know how things are done in the kingdom of God, a generation that does not want to seek the face of God and people that are not ready to know God but want to experience God. As a believer, when you face a challenge, who is the first person you run to? Is it God’s word or God’s servant? If you always run to a pastor or a prophet, you have already missed it because God and his words come before his servants. There is nothing wrong in going to meet a servant of God, but this supposed to be the second option. The first option is go to God through his word. Today text says “…… Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established, believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper”. You first point of contact ought to be the word where you can easily find God. You see, no matter how anointed your pastor or prophet may be, he/she cannot be as anointed and powerful as the word of God. The world was created by the word of God and the world is sustained by the word of God. Most times when you see people who run to men and women of God, these are the people who hardly study the word or believe in the word. Some believe more in their pastor than Jesus, what a great mistake! Some believe in the word of their pastor or prophet than the word of Jesus what a heresy. If truly you believe in the word of Jesus than the word of your pastor, you will always search the scripture, sit down with it until you locate your blessing. And if you disrespect the word of God, no matter what any servant of God says the result will be minimal. Remember, it is not the blood of your pastor or prophet that saved you, it is the blood of Jesus, and in the battle of life, the word of God carries more weight than the word of your pastor.
Father, i thank you for your word. I put your word first in my life today in the name of Jesus