DLight digest with Israel Oriaku
The Race
So Paul was discussing about running a race, and he encouraged us about doing the needful to actually run to win. The Christian faith is actually in form of a relay race we all get to start the moment we commit our lives to God and end after departing from this planet earth.
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us”. Hebrews 12: 1
Every athlete ensures he does his usual exercise to keep fit in preparation for a tournament or competition. They do this to ensure they are among those that would eventually win a prize. So he spends months training, denying his body of any excesses that might prevent him from his set goal. He spends time in preparation for a one day event. This was what Paul was trying to talk about.
The race we run, we run for a crown that perish not. In this race, it’s our duty to ensure we let go of everything that might hinder us from receiving that crown, that prize. The prize for eternal life. If we must join the host of witnesses awaiting us then we must be ready to pay the prize of discipline, the prize of studying and building our most holy faith. It’s your responsibility to ensure you run to win. Are you still putting your body under? Run that you might win. Run the race that has been set before you.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Coach