DLight digest @OriakuIsrael
“I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit , which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go”. Isaiah 48:17
Joseph is someone I love so much. He knew who he was and He was not ashamed to portray this where ever he found himself. His understanding on his identity, helped him in relating with his brothers and while he was at Potiphar’s house, he behaved himself on the platform of his identity. You are unique and not like any other person. So learn to live with that identity mindset.
David was another man who was ready to show forth his identity. A lot of things around him beckoned on him to change his identity. At a point, King Saul wanted him to put on another image of which he wasn’t to fight Goliath but he understood who he was and he kept to his identity.
You can never become better by ignoring your identity. “The earlier you discover who you are, the more meaningful life will be” Israel Oriaku.
“But you are a Chosen generation a royal Priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light”. 1 Peter 2:9. You are peculiar. Don’t live otherwise. Join me here on Saturday as I share more on identity. Would love to hear from you. Drop a message if this digest has been a blessing to you in any way. God bless.
I’m Israel Oriaku
I Inspire | I Train| I Coach