Triumphant radio offers premium music services, multidimensional, continental internet radio network with inspiring podcasts and cheery tunes from exciting speakers and artistes across the globe. The benefits are immense.
For music promotion on the blog, note that when your songs doesn’t meet up with our terms and conditions it won’t be attended to.
Click this button below to submit your song
Please ensure you read the instructions below before proceeding to submit your songs.
1. Fill out your contact details; your name, phone number, email address and social media details: *twitter/*facebook. Please note that your twitter handle is very important for you to see when your song is being played.
Also write out your biography and the information about the music you are releasing.
2. Select a promotion option : we have several promotion offers which requires a fee to proceed.
“We will help you reach radio stations and TV stations if you need this services”.
See sample picture below.
3. Upload your file, make sure the audio file is not more than 10mb and the image must be 600 by 600 pixel in dimension.
4. Click the Summit button. please be patient while your song is uploading.
See the upload directory below on the left corner to see the level at which your song is uploading in percentage.
5. After your song has been uploaded, please wait for a review. You will be notified once the review is done by the email provided.
if you have any issues during this process, please call +2347030078451 or mail the admin … hello@triumphantradio.com
Note that, response will be sent back to you after review within 48hours with the service payment option.
i. Your songs must be of good lyrics.
ii. You must present your songs in Mp3 format to be on the blog and on the radio Server.
iii. Send your songs, words about the song and the artistes biography directly to us through the promote music page www.triumphantradio.com/promote-music.
iv. Note that, a certain air time amount will be paid for your services as stated on the
v. Note that, there will be no refund of fund if your songs don’t meet up with our requirements.
vi. For the radio air play a speculated time will be given to you that your song will be played. The radio service is not limited to music promotion alone, you can send a podcast to us at a reasonable prices.
Music video airplay on Nigerian TV stations requires your Video file in HD, to be sent through dropbox to our email.
Authorization letter addressed to each stations listed with the Artiste signature will be required.
Our TV channels requires Artist Twitter handle to follow up his/her airplay.
Artist might be called for an exclusive interview on any of this TV station base on the service subscription.