Be part of the Holy Ghost Congress this year 2015, THE FLOOD GATES OF HEAVEN”
I have never seen this kind God before ooo…. Wonder wonder wonder wonder….
If I had watched it in a movie, I would say “na film tricks”…. That a ruptured belly was covered with a prayer handkerchief and there was no traces of any wound overnight? …. That an iron used to replace a leg bone was removed over the night and the man woke up with the iron lying beside him on the bed and the leg perfectly okay? …. That an evacuated womb gave birth without any further sexual relationship? …. That a flush away pregnancy later brought forth a baby boy and after 15 days came forth another baby boy? Only Jesus could have done this.. All these God did through his servant Pastor E. A Adeboye. Expecting your own miracle? Then meet with God for another extraordinary experience at the Holy Ghost Congress this December 7-13. Theme: THE FLOOD GATE OF HEAVEN… Venue: The Redemption camp, km 47, Lagos-Ibadan express way. Your life will never remain the same again.