TEXT: Proverbs 18:24: a man has friends must show himself friendly. And there is friend that sticketh closer than brother.
Who is your best friend? Your best friend is not the person you discuss serious issues together, it is not whom you dine and wine together, not the person whom you do everything in common with but your best friend is the friend that brings the best out of you. So the best spouse is the one that brings the best out of his/her spouse. Relationships matter in life and the importance we place on each must not be same. Every other friend is a good friend, but anyone who is bringing the best out of you is very special. Someone who helps you to get closer to God by helping and encouraging you to fulfill the plans of God for your life. Relationship has levels, for instance a relationship that has to do with your destiny, should go beyond social relationship. This is what today’s text is saying “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly. And there is a friend that sticketh closer than brother”. In other words, you may have many friends but there is one you must stick closer to even than your brother. The first yardstick of true friendship for any Christian is our relationship with God. Does his life challenge me to love and serve God better? Or since I have known the fellow is my hunger for the things of the spirit reduced or increased? In Christendom, you cannot just call anyone your best friend if such a person is not adding to your spiritual life. 1Cor 6:14, the bible says “be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness” If a friend makes you to sin, backslide, and discourages your faith. Then no matter how close you are, he is not your best friend but a playing friend. But if a friend challenges you to get better with God, encourages your faith and brings out the best in you, then that fellow is your best friend. This is what Jesus said when he was told that his mother and brothers were seeking for him. The bible says “:he stretched forth his hand towards his Disciples, and said behold my mother and my brother”. Which means, his mother and brothers were his friends, but his disciples were his best friends, because they helped him to fulfill his destiny.
Father, thank you for allowing me to identify my best friend, also, help me Lord to be a best friend to someone in life by helping him/her to be closer to you.