” By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible_ ”
Our text means that the things that are visible were spoken into being from the invisible realm. It means the words of believers can bring into the reality the things that are not physically present now. This is the point, when God wanted to create the heavens and the earth, He had no physical materials, there was no money to use, no man power, no stone or sand, but God made use of the power of His words so that all the things He needed were supernaturally supplied. It also means it is good to speak forth what you want to see before you start pursuing it.
Now, there are spiritual laws to fulfill before you can use the word to frame your world. It is not every statement a person utters that can bring into reality things that are invisible. There are ways to talk for the talk to work. Isaiah 8:20 says “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” The first law says ” You must speak what you mean and mean what you say” This means, you must speak from your heart and not just from your lips. You must mean it before you declare it. Jeremiah 29:13 says “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart”
This means your heart must agree with your mouth and your mouth must also agree with your heart. What you are thinking must agree with what you are saying. Secondly, you must say it as if it has been done. For instance, if you want to see your word changing your world, you don’t say ” God will do it” You simply say “God has done it. God has blessed me, God has healed me are all languages of faith. Romans 4:17 says about Abraham that he “..was calling those things that be not as though they were” In other words, the way he was able to bring into existence things that were not in existence was that he was calling those things as if they were already in existence. For instance he was not saying “I will be father of many nations” He was actually saying ” I am a father of many nations”
The next thing is to speak specifically. God did not say “Let there be things I need” When He needed light, God specifically said “Let there be light” Also, you must be ready to say it until you have it. You do not say it once or thrice, you say it until you see it. That is the principle of God. It may take you days, months and even years, if you will not change your confession and be persistent at it, what is not visible will surely become visible. Psalm 50:1 says “The Mighty One, God the Lord, Has spoken and called the earth From the rising of the sun to its going down.” God said it until He saw it. And lastly, you must speak with boldness. It takes bold declaration to see bold manifestation. Jesus said ” Lazarus, come forth ” So, what are you declaring with boldness ?
Father, I declare I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. I’m healthy and wealthy. I have broken through in my finances and career in Jesus name.
#PstrOluVictor, +234 706 355 8586