“For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”- Psalms 84:11
There are some characteristics attributed to God in the opening verse and those characteristics makes God capable of doing some things revealed in our opening verse.
God is a sun and shield, he gives grace and glory, also, He doesn’t withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly.
Our focus this morning will be on the truth that God won’t withhold any good thing from those that walk uprightly (righteously).
Are you righteous (identified with Christ)? If Yes, then you have the power to walk righteously. With this, you are included in Gods plan of been satisfied with good things. Anything that can be classified as a good thing pertaining to life and godliness, with heavenly and earthly relevance, you are qualified for it with God. God has plans in satisfying you with such. God doesn’t want to withhold them from you at anytime. As you need them, he wants you to have them. Don’t have a carnal view about God that because you don’t have a good thing physically now, He doesn’t want it for you or He is withholding it from you. If He could empower you to be righteous by the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ, why should He withhold any other good thing from you? If He gave up His son Jesus Christ as a seal of your redemption and salvation, then what good thing can He not give you?
Don’t give in to the lie of the devil, are you in Christ? If Yes, then the Lord is your shepherd to cater for you. He is your father to satisfy you.
Please reinforce your trust in the Lord by your full faith and acknowledgement in the word to meet your needs in all good things. Don’t write yourself off in having any good thing.
Focus on God, the owner of all and all good things shall be added unto you.
I see all your need for good things been met in Jesus name.
DECLARATION: No good thing will the Lord withhold from me, He is my shepherd and my father, Amen
©Oluwaleke Ifeoluwa
Godly Impact