“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts”- Jeremiah 15:16
God has made his word available unto us to feast on. But until we find them, they will lie there and we won’t be a beneficiary of their nutrients.
There must be a finding of the word to feast on the word. When it is found, the feasting begins by a decisive approach to it. The feasting entails giving yourself to the ministration of the word. This starts from the place of studying- comparing those words that have been found with each other. Another place of the ministration is the place of meditation- having a close inner attention to the word, to get the hidden things in it. The ministration still continue in the place of believing, confessing, praying, teaching and doing of the word.
The place of finding the word is in hearing and reading the word. The hearing and reading of the word must continue until it is found- a point strikes and then feasting begins.
The finding and feasting on the word, imparts joy and rejoicing in us. This impartation is a stirring up of the joy in us, that has been given to us by the Holy ghost but lying fallow. It is the word that stirs it up, because when the word meets the spirit, there is a stirring up of every fruits of the holy ghost of which joy is part and there will certainly be a rejoicing.
And a rejoicing or joyful state is an expression of faith in the word, it brings the manifestation of the word and weakens the devil.
Only the things of spirit can give you joy and the word is part of such. Give yourself to the word.
And if you are not identified with Christ, you can’t have this joy from the word, no way, because it is the work of the spirit in the believer. So you need to have the spirit through new birth (salvation) for the word to make sense and stir up joy in you. Be identified with Christ in believing and confessing Him as Lord.
DECLARATION: I find the word, I feast on the word and I rejoice, Amen.
©Oluwaleke Ifeoluwa ‘GodsIdea’
Godly Impact