“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee”- Psalms 119:11

One of those things the word does for us, though we might not be conscious of it in us at first, until after its working in us is that it helps us (the believer in Christ and anyone that will yet believe) live out a holy life.
Though the new creation believer is not giving himself to the word because of sin consciousness, like David said, that it is so that he won’t sin against God. We give ourselves to the word as a new creation believer because that is what is written about us, it shows Christ and we must grow into fullness and maturity in the knowledge and stature of Him.
To live out the attribute of the life of God we posses in Christ, of which sin is not in that life, we must be given to the word of God- it’s hearing, reading, studying, meditation, confession, preaching and teaching.
To say you want to live out the life of God by set out laws, leaving the knowledge of the word might not be helpful. In the word you see who Christ is and that’s who you are.
Until you know from the word that you are holy, righteousness, light, Christ, that no sin dwells in you, that you are a partaker of the divine nature (of God), it might be difficult for you to live holy. Because as we see the word with focus, we are changed into the same image we are seeing. That’s where living holy after been made holy at salvation starts from; it starts from renewing your mind with the word.
I could remember a morning, while walking in my street, I noticed a beautiful lady and the noticing was tending to lust, I took off my eyes, but then I wanted to look at her again, but unconsciously, I remember the word of God that says, yield your members (can be likened to eyes, mouth, hears etc) to righteousness and that word saved me from looking at her again and that saved me from lust.

DECLARATION: I focus on the word, because that’s who I am and I do the word, I live out what it says.

©Oluwaleke Ifeoluwa
Godly Impact.