GODLY IMPACT FOR TODAY (Friday, May 6, 2016)




“Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore”- Psalms 16:11


There is only one path to life and made by God. That path is Christ Jesus, in which if you follow this path, you have life. Until any man follow this path, life is not given to such man. This path is taken by believing in your heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God and confessing such with your mouth. And when this is done, life is been released unto you. You may be thinking that “don’t I have life before? I’m still breathing, feeding and living”. Yes! you are, but that’s physically and naturally, but there is a greater and real life, which is the life of the spirit. You only have this when you take the path of Christ. And this life speaks in every area of you.

When you take this path, you receive life from God, eternal life- the God life. This life makes you to be alive unto God and connects you to the presence of God. Such that anywhere you are, at any day, you are connected to the presence of God, because you are in the path of His life and you have His life.

And this presence that you are connected to through this path of life, grants you joy, eternal joy, joy forevermore, the joy of God, joy that knows no bound, time and space, joy that keep you everly joyful, refreshing and blessed regardless of any physical thing happening around you, whether good or bad, Oh! Joy that can change any circumstance to that of God. Joy that can’t be bought by any physical thing or sense. And it’s a fullness of Joy, such that it flows out to others from the carrier, it is communicable, it can’t be exhausted, it’s a fullness, because it’s from the connection to the presence of God- the eternal and full Father.

If you are with Christ Jesus, you have this life, you are in  the presence of God, there is fullness of Joy in you. Be conscious of this life, feed it and stir it up through the word of God and fellowship with the spirit of God in worship and prayer.

This joy is dependent on God, it’s dependent in that life- the life of God in Christ Jesus, it’s dependent in the presence of God you are connected to. Don’t let any physical thing or surrounding situation take this joy from you. Keep the consciousness alive, there is a fullness of joy in you, rejoice and see things go the as spoken by the word.


DECLARATION: I stay joyful always, because I have the life of God in Christ Jesus and I’m connected to His presence, Oh! Glory to Jesus, I rejoice.


@Oluwaleke Ifeoluwa

Godly Impact