Its a new year of greatness, God has prepared goodness for us this year. For every year the devil as also set goals for the year as God has plans for us. Its going to be disastrous for you not to set your plans for the year in God “Psalm 91 vs 1”, for he that sits in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.

Alone side with the merry of the season set goals for yourself, create a check mate for yourself and write your vision make it plan “Habb 2vs3”.


1. PRAYER: Pray along side with your visions.

2. PRAISE: Praise answers to all things. Acts 16 vs 25 and 26

3. FAITH: in faith create an image seeing yourself accomplishing your set goals.

4. DECLARE THE WORD: With your mouth declare the word of God, don’t just read the word of God proclaim the word of God. Joshua 1:8
5. CREATE A DAILY BALANCE CHECK: On all your written goals mark out the accomplished ones and proceed ahead.

God bless you ..

psalmeben cares.

Join me every morning as we prophesy into the day.