Open Heavens Today…August 18th, 2015. By Pastor E.A Adeboye
LIFE MORE ABUNDANT – Tuesday August 18th 2015
Although Jesus has made all good things abundantly available, your faith will determine the level of what you draw from it.
After the video release of one of her hit single “As Love Demands” from her latest cd/audio album also entitled As love demands , Uk based Nigerian gospel singer, Psalmist Shola Victor-Sajowa is currently working on another new video titled “ELEDUMARE”
In a chat with the gospel diva, she said, ELEDUMARE is a song of thanksgiving captured on film ….it’s an unfolding story , a true story , a testimony ….a must watch, she enthused.
The video was directed by Brian Would, original concept by Shola Victor-Sajowa, script writer Marcella S’antana.
Get ready to see Shola and many known faces acting and celebrating with Psalmist Shola Victor-Sajowa as she tells a story of GOD’s power to save and to deliver.
Premiere dates will be announced soon
Song Release by Ola Onabanjo… Connect to Collect 2 ft kenny Kore and El- Joe
Onabajo Olawale a Nigerian wonderful gospel Artist of our time, who has featured some gospel Artists Like Kenny Kore, Mike Abdul , Obiora Obiwon and others…
She has ministered far and wide the nation beyond, a powerful praiser who God has ordained to shake the walls and foundations of the world through spirit driven songs.
I’m happy to tell you Connect to Collect is out for the world to listen and to download free.
Grace Daily by Joseph Prince. August 17th,2015.REMAIN STEADFAST IN THE FAITH
When I was a teenager, I was taught that if I wanted to resist the devil, I had to rebuke him. So whenever an evil thought came to my mind or I was tempted, I found myself saying, “I resist you, devil, in Jesus’ name! I bind you, devil! Go away from me, devil! I rebuke you in Jesus’ name!”
This went on until God showed me one day that though I had “resisted” the devil, I had spent more time talking to him than to God! I was more conscious of the devil than of God throughout the day.
I checked the Word of God and realized that we resist the devil not by focusing on resisting him, but by being established in the faith that we are made right with God through Jesus’ blood, that we are the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
Yes, the devil will continue to remind you of your mistakes, failures and sins. And he will tell you that because of these things, you cannot receive your healing, that you will have to pay for your mistakes or that something bad will happen to your family. He will accuse you, condemn you and try to persuade your heart to believe that he can do bad things to you.
But the truth is that the devil cannot enforce anything in your life if he cannot persuade your heart. And your heart cannot be persuaded if it is “steadfast in the faith”, if it is established in righteousness. God says that once you are established in righteousness, “You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you”. (Isaiah 54:14)
So now that my heart is established in righteousness, I can boldly declare, “Yes, I may have these problems in my life, but I am not guilty in God’s eyes. I am justified in God’s eyes by faith because of what Christ has done. I am righteous by Jesus’ blood!” My friend, that is how you resist the devil and become undevourable!
Thought For The Day
We resist the devil not by focusing on resisting him, but by being established in the faith that we are the righteousness of God in Christ.
Our Daily Manna!! August17th, 2015… By Pastor W.F Kumuyi.
TOPIC: Nothing Else, But God
Open Heaven Today August 17th, 2015. Pastor E.A. Adeboye
PROGRESS WITH SPEED – Monday August 17th 2015
Read: Psalm 126:1-4, King James Version (KJV)
Out Loud and Clear Adedoyin Adegoroye “SaxMan” Album Launching.
The world at large Celebrates with Adedoyin Adegoroye” SaxMan” on is up coming Album launch… September 27th, 2015, live at the RCCG Trinity Tabernacle Adekunle Fajuyi Way, G.R.A. Ikeja Lagos.
Coming out loud with other Artists, Dare Justified , Imole Ago, and others .
His songs are powerful spirit filled and with an African Contemporary Touch.
What do you believe and say to your loved ones every day? For orthodox Jews, on Friday evenings in their homes, the father lays his hands on his children and pronounces God’s blessings over them. No wonder Jewish children grow up to be winners in the fight of life! They become some of the world’s greatest inventors, bankers, musicians and entertainers.
Although a minority race, the Jews have produced the most number of Nobel Prize winners. I believe that it is because they bless their children in the same way the patriarchs of the Old Testament did. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob released God’s blessings upon their children by laying hands on them and speaking forth the blessings. (Genesis 27:27–29, 38–40; 48:14–16)
In the New Testament, the apostles pronounced blessings over the churches they were preaching to. To the church in Philippi, Paul declared, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) John released a powerful blessing upon Gaius when he said, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 1:2)
Even Jesus pronounced a blessing of deliverance on the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman—“go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter”. (Mark 7:29) This was a blessing of deliverance by proxy. The woman took it by faith and found that her daughter was well when she reached home. (Mark 7:30) Likewise, the centurion took the blessing by faith and healing came upon his servant back home. (Matthew 8:8–13)
The parents of a little girl did the same thing while worshiping in our church. Their daughter was in hospital in the final stages of cancer. When I pronounced the blessing of healing that Sunday, they received it and pronounced it over their daughter. She was soon discharged from the hospital healed!
My friend, bless your loved ones. Declare over them, “The Lord blesses you and surrounds you with His favor as with a shield.” Speak forth your own blessings by declaring, “Thank You Lord, You over supply my needs and I am in excellent health!”
Thought For The Day
Pronounce God’s blessings over your children and they will grow up to be winners in the fight of life.