The Kingdom Advantage
Jesus Christ came to ’re-link’ us into a world of infinite possibilities, the kind the world has never known. There was definitely something missing before He showed up to pay a gruesome price for this ‘impeccable’ realm of out of this world order of existence – THE SUPERNATURAL. He came to restore to man ‘an advantage’ over this present world’s style of doing things. In different chapters of the bible, we could see how He demonstrated this dimension of utmost possibilities; in healings, display of exceptional wisdom, workings of miracles of diverse kinds and living a life of ‘the indestructible’ when He rose from the dead. Though the main block-bluster was when He said, greater things you shall do! That’s absolutely amazing man!
As career/business men & women in Christ Jesus, we are mandated not only expected (Romans 8:9), to manifest exceptionality the way we carry out our different assignments. But how, that’s the next thing you are thinking of right? Let me walk you through it.
The Kingdom Advantage (Secrets to triumphing exceptionally in Business & Career)
Understanding the Power of Divine Endowments
Let’s take the man called Daniel for a queue; the bible recorded that during his political career, serving in the city of Babylon, he was preferred above all other political appointees, because an ‘excellent Spirit’ resided inside of Him (Daniel 6:3). Please note the words “an excellent Spirit”; that was the secret behind his exceptionality! Babylon’s Politicians were all human right, but he who had the privilege of the residing inside of him of a divine endowment was distinguished; and glory to God, that Spirit is here on the earth! He is the Holy Ghost.
You don’t have to wait and just assume He would jump upon you, you have got the responsibility to demand for His infilling (Luke 11:13). This is your advantage in that office of yours; this is the advantage you need in the midst of that heavy competition in your business ecosystem.
The bible said, when He comes upon you, He shall teach you all ‘truth’ and ‘all things’ (John 14:26, John 16:13), please don’t tell me this is limited to just the truth of God’s word or the things of the spirit, because it is obvious that God is very much interested in your career/business success as well! (2 John 1:2) In other words, this connotes that He would unveil to you the secret to leading the market! Go ahead and ask the Father for this outpouring and watch how your mind lights up into a new world of infinite possibilities!
Understanding the Potency of ‘The Communication Line’
When I said the communication line, I meant your prayer altar. Common, don’t roll your eyes yet, for this isn’t meant to be just a religious daily recitation of constructed words each morning, it was meant to be a link between you and your Father in heaven in relating with one another. Let’s take another queue from Daniel, there was a major problem he was confronted with when the King of Babylon in a certain year demanded that his chosen ones should tell him his dream, which he obviously forgot and the interpretation! (Daniel Chapter 2) That was hard-core right there!! But that wasn’t a big deal at all to Daniel, he simply went on his knees and enquired of the Lord what the answer was; the bible recorded that, then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night vision! (Daniel 2:19) Bamn! There you have it, what could be that missing link in your career/business, of which you have being trying to figure out? Or are you at a cross road, not knowing what next to do? There you have it, use the power of ‘The Communication Line’ you’ve got!! Furthermore, don’t just mutter words to the Lord, listen as well, for I know for sure that he has got a lot to talk to you about.
In conclusion, please understand the need and the urgency of you getting this right, for our world needs you and me to figure things out; from problems of flooding, to unsorted matters in the technology industry, to matters of corruption eating into the fabrics of nations of the world, or is it nations being eaten up by drought and starvation; the Joseph in you and me can sort this all out, as long as we are willing to submit to the secrets in scriptures. You are next to being celebrated!
In coming episodes, we shall explore the unraveling of more secrets. Go change the world!!
By: @olasamofficial