Mercy G is one of the fastest growing female gospel music minister in Nigeria and Africa at large. She is known with an unusual grace whenever she ushers the people of God into high worship. To her music is life and nothing more. Her ministration has witnessed diverse miracles. She decided to drop her first single ONYE NKPORO OZA. You will be blessed as you listen.



Ona-putawom naka nke ekwe nsu!Omewo ka ngu zo nelu oke nkume—Otiyewo Abu uto nolum nta—-Abu Otuto ha-lle–lu—yah

He– deliver me from the hands of the devil, he has plant my feet upon the solid ro—ck, he put in mouth a sweet eternal son–g, he– deserve my praise ha-lle–lu—yah

Ona-putawom naka nke ekwe nsu — Omewo ka ngu zo nelu oke nkume— Otiye wo Abu

uto-nolum nta—-Abu otito ha-lle–lu—yah

Je—sus you deserve all the glor—y, you are worthy to be praise ha-lle–lu–yah

Onye nkporo oza—

Eze ndi Eze

Onye nkporo oza

Chioma meee

Onye nkporo oza

Odinma be me nma—-

Onye nkporo oza

Agu me che nmba one

Onye nkporo oza

Onye naza me ekpere