[icon_heading icon=”contact”]Details.
[detail name=”Date”][17/10/2018][/detail]
[detail name=”Time”][12pm][/detail]
[detail name=”Address”]OGC STUDIOS OGBA.[/detail]
[detail name=”Tickets”]triumphantradio.com[/detail]
[detail name=”Tel.”](234) 808-0686-759[/detail]
[detail name=”Categories”][cats][/detail]
Psalm Eben and friends is set for a live worship experience in appreciation to God, titled The Miraculous.
This event will be live streamed on www.facebook.com/triumphantradio
and on triumphantradio.com.
Featuring great worshippers ” Mike Olas, Sarah Teibo (UK), PD Wallson, Doyin Saxman, Abiodun Sage
and Kelvin iPraise”.
DATE: Sat 17th, Nov, 2018
TIME: 12noon
Venue: OGC studios, Ogba, Ikeja Lagos.
#studioworship #triumphantradio #themiraculous
#psalmeben #mikeolas #sarahteibo #sageandtwcrew