My Bible Today – June 23

The Father’s willingness to give us whatsoever we
need (note: not ‘want’) is remarkable; as stated
in different pages of scriptures, and it is as well
important we embrace this fact which would inevitably
trigger the faith required to bring the same into
existence, as faith comes by accepting the fact of
God’s word. Our Father wants you healed, He wants you
fine, and He wants you satisfied with the good things
of life. Pull the trigger of faith by asking him
whatsoever your desires are. Happy receiving..

Bible References: Psalm 2:8, Matthew 7:11, Luke 11:13
Hebrews 11:6.

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 22


The place of the mind when it comes to handling the affairs of men here on earth
can’t be over emphasized; as the same was built for logical and analytical problem
solving, among others.. And so far it is God who built this Master piece inside
each and everyone of us, He expect us to maximize its use! Being spiritual therefore,
doesn’t negate the use of the mind, in fact since we have the mind of Jesus Christ, we
are expected to operate at a more deeper level when it comes to mental prowess!
In the light of these, engage your mind consciously in problem solving, though not
despising the place of prayer and adhering to divine directives from time to time.

Bible References: Isaiah 1:18, 1 Corinthians 2:16

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 21


A Change of story is birthed by a new approach;
which is sponsored by a changed mind set, obviously
inspired by access to a new fact.
This is what Romans 12:2 implies.

It is therefore important that we dedicate quality
time to studying
the bible, books and other materials that
would culminate into the
renewing of our minds, which would
certainly birth our transformation!


Bible References: Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18


Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 20

Hi, in today’s devotion, we shall be addressing the truth in
2 Peter 2:2-3 that unveils to us that the dimension or extent of
God’s manifestation we would experience in our lives is directly
linked to how far we know His ways, in other words, His word.
It is therefore necessary that we change our approach as regards
studying God’s word; from being just a mere daily routine to
conciously digging into the same to find out God’s say concerning
any area of our interest. Grace awaits you at the other side.

May the Lord bless the reading of His word in our hearts. Amen.

Bible References: 2 Peter 2:2-3, Joshua 1:8.

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 17

Welcome to another amazing episode of our daily short devotional.
In the Scriptural text of today, we could see literally that
God was certainly waiting for Job to pass the “Love Test” before
He could restore all he lost. Same friends who mocked him to his
face, became his prayer target; that’s amazing!
Never should you fall a victim of a bitter heart against any
fellow man, because this could be a major disqualifier to your
next levels in Christ Jesus. Keep loving, keep winning!
May the Lord bless the reading of his word in our heart. AMEN.


Bible References: Job 42:10, Romans 12:18, Mark 12:31

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 15

Please note that without inclination to the dictates of God’s word, a man is sure to walk in error; for man was built to live his entire life time answering the call of obedience to God’s word. Absolute accuracy therefore exists in living in accordance to God’s word, for He has given us all that pertains to life and godliness. Don’t just read, do His words and your ways would be acceptable to Jesus our Lord!

May the Lord bless the reading of His words in our hearts. Amen.

Bible References: Psalms 119:9, Matthew 4:4, Matthew 6:33, Ecclesiastes 12:13, 2 Peter 1:3.

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial


My Bible Today – June 14

What the world needs like never before in these present days is peace. Though it is worthy of note that you can only give what you have; if then the Prince of peace (Jesus Christ) dwells inside you by His Holy Spirit, you should make peace with all men at every point in time. Times would come when men would definitely provoke you to rage, but wisdom demands that you settle it, because only in an atmosphere of peace can there be substantial progress.

May the Lord bless the reading of His word in our hearts. Amen

Bible Reference: Matthew 5:9, Proverbs 15:1

Written by: Dolapo O. Samuel @olasamofficial

My Bible Today – June 11

It is a good thing to appear in God’s presence
all the time; it be a Morning Devotion, Mid night
prayers or Church Service. For we are sure of
answered prayers, bringing gladness to our hearts
and as well, a sweet Fellowshipping with His
Holy Spirit, who inspires our hearts and give
directions to our paths. Nothing can replace
the place of God in our heart; so nothing is
worth trading for it!

My Bible Today – June 10

Trials are inevitable when it comes to life, but a must have as well are strength and courage if we must prevail! Mean while, the word of the Lord made it clear what that strength really is in the book of Proverbs 24:5, “a man of knowledge increases strength….”. Therefore, if we desire to conquer every trial that comes our way, acquisition and familiarity with God’s word is also a must, because that is where true strength comes from!!

May the Lord bless the reading of His word in your heart. Amen

Bible References: Joshua 1:7, Proverbs 24:5, Daniel 11:32


Nigeria: Mourning and Anger in Owo, Ondo State following deadly church attack

After sadness and fear, it is anger that has emerged in Owo town,
southwest Nigeria, following a deadly church attack in the
country’s relatively peaceful region.

Women marched in protest outside the traditional palace of Owo on

Some of them calls for revenge against those responsible for the
attack in the St. Francis Catholic Church.

‘We are here as market women, Yemi Mahmud said, we are here to
commiserate with the people of Owo, we are to say that enough is
enough, we have a parlance in Owo, we say that “We don’t have war
in Owo” it has never happened, we don’t have war in Owo, Owo is a
peaceful place but this has happened now, it’s strange to us.”

It’s an entire community that is still traumatized by the murder
of at least 22 people including children.

If President Buhari ordered a full-scale investigation, the Ondo
Police Command has not made any arrests yet. According to a
spokeswoman, there was at least 5 assailants.

Meanwhile, Schools and public gathering spots remained closed in
Owo on Tuesday. The Owo kingdom’s monarch, Oba Ajibade Gbadegesin
Ogunoye, brought together ethnic leaders for discussions as he
expressed his fears the violence could escalate further.

Owo’s monarch, warned of a humanitarian crisis should the internal
conflict expand further into southern Nigeria and force millions
of people to flee.

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